
NBGal Real Time In-Vivo Cellular Senescence Detection Kit

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for 250 µg (250 wells of 3.5 cm2 surface area) | 10 mg (10 mice, 1 injection / mouse).


Name NBGal Real Time In Vivo Cellular Senescence Detection Kit
Catalog No. CLT0003
Cell Type Mammalian Cells/Murine models of senescence
Detection Method Fluorescence Emission
Excitation (nm) 636 nm
Emission (nm) 660 nm
Equipment used
Fluorescent Microscope
Confocal Microscope
Flow Cytometry
Specific Applications
In-vivo localised senescent cells
SA-β-Gal detection
Unit sizes 0.25 or 10 mg (For 250 assays in cells using 1.25 μM of the probe or for 10 mice)
Shipping Condition Ice Pack
Storage Freezer (-20 ºC/-80 ºC)

Catalog No. CLT0003

Product information

NBGal is a β-galactosidase-activatable near-infrared (NIR) senoprobe utilising an FDA-approved fluorophore. It serves as a qualitative, rapid, and minimally invasive tool for specifically monitoring senescent cells via in-vivo imaging systems. The NBGal senescence detection kit facilitates various applications, including tracking senescence burden, conducting studies on therapy-induced senescence in cancer models, and assessing the efficacy of senolytic treatments in localised areas of mice.

NBGal is poorly fluorescent at 660 nm (λexc = 636 nm), releasing the highly fluorescent dye nile blue (NB) after β-Gal hydrolysed.

Figure 1. a) UV-visible spectra of NBGal probe and NB fluorophore (1.0 x 10-6 M) in H2O-DMSO (0.01%) pH 7. b)  Fluorescence spectra of NBGal probe and NB fluorophore (1.0 x 10-6 M) in H2O-DMSO (0.01%) pH 7 both upon excitation at 636 nm.

Table 1. Contents and storage.

Product Mw (g/mol) Catalog No. Amount No. of assays Storage*
NBGal 648.2 CLT0003A 0.25 mg 250 (12-well plate/Surface area 3.5 cm2) -20°C/-80°C

Avoid freeze-thaw cycles


Protect from light

CLT0003B 10 mg 10 (number of mice based of 1 mg/mouse administration)
* When stored as directed, the product is stable for at least 6 months at -20°C from the date receipt.
  • Before you begin
  • Experimental guidelines
  • Protocols
  • Workflow
  • References

To prepare stock solutions

For cell studies. NBGal is provided as a lyophilized powder. Prepare a 1000 X solution (1.25 mM) by adding 308.5 μL of DMSO direct to the vial. Add 1 μL of this solution directly to 999 μL of the proper culture media. Note: NBGal working solutions should be used promptly. The concentration of NBGal should be optimized for different cell types and conditions.

For animal studies. NBGal is provided as a lyophilized powder. Add 250 μL of DMSO directly to the vial. Add this solution directly to 1750 μL of saline or culture media without FBS. Note: NBGal working solutions should be used promptly. The concentration of NBGal should be optimized for different cell types and conditions.


Flow cytometry

Excitation 638nm. APC channel

Confocal microscopy

Excitation 638 nm. From Red to Far red channel


Excitation filter: 640 nm. Emission filter: 700 nm

Flow cytometry

  • Treat your samples as desired. As an example, 50.000-80.000 cell/well can be seeded in a 12 well-plate and leave them overnight to attach.
  • Remove any treatment or media and wash them with DPBS.
  • Add NBGal working solution for 30 min to 2 h and incubate the samples at 37 °C incubator. Note: Optimal time for incubation needs to be determined experimentally.
  • Remove NBGal solution and wash cells with DPBS.
  • Resuspend the cells in FACS buffer (10% Hank’s Balance Salt Solution, 10% EDTA, 1% HEPES, sterile H2O) and monitor the fluorescence intensity with a flow cytometer using the filter set stated above.


  • Seed the cells in a specific chamber for optical imaging. As an example, 10.000-20.000 cell/well can be seeded in an 8 well-plate and leave them overnight to attach.
  • Incubate with NBGal working solution for 30 min to 2 h. Note: Optimal time for incubation needs to be determined experimentally. Image the cells immediately.
  • Label the nuclei with 10 μg/ml Hoechst for 30 min.
  • Wash cells carefully.


  • Prepare your mice model containing senescent cells as convenient.
  • Prepare NBGal working solution and inject intravenously (i.v.) 200 μL of this solution in to the tail vein
  • Monitor the whole body of mice and observe the fluorescence intensity targeting localised senescent cells. Start monitoring after 30 min after injection.
  1. Lozano-Torres et al. Anal. Chem. 2023, 95, 2, 1643–1651

10 mg (10 mice, 1 injection / mouse), 250 µg (250 wells of 3.5 cm2 surface area)


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